Thursday, August 9, 2012

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Cool and cloudy again this morning, about 60 degrees at the track. I had a very easy, elegant, straightforward speedwork sort of thing planned, which I took from Kara Goucher's "Running For Women," page 215.

It's such a simple workout that there's no way to mess it up I only messed it up a little bit: 1 mile warm up, 2 X 1/4 mile hard/easy, then (this is where I went off script) 3 X 100 yards hard/easy, then a very slow 1/4 mile, then I think I did another hard segment and then I sort of jogged randomly and then I was just lurching around out there. TIME TO QUIT, my brain said, and so I did.


  1. Okay Ms. DesCamp, YOU are going to be my inspiration. Please be prepared for a lot of whining, complaining and just plain bitching. I don't like running much. I really don't. But I love being done and knowing I did it. UGH. Why do we put ourselves through this anyway? Oh yeah, because we want to be fit and strong... (she says as she shoves yet another handful of Nabisco Premium Mini Saltines in her mouth.) I don't know what's worse... torturing myself with running, or trying to stick to the Weight Watchers program. I WILL conquer this!

  2. If you don't like running, don't run, you nutcase...unless the glory and joy of being done is reward enough to put yourself through the agony of actually running!
